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IN. Skulachev, m. Skulachev, b. Fenyuk „Life without old age“

The authors of this book, biologists, explain why aging is not at all inevitable and share the latest scientific research confirming their words.

Is it possible to cure old age? Until recently, science did not consider this issue seriously. But the authors of the book - Russian biologists - prove that aging is not at all inevitable. Yes, over time, our body wears out. But this does not always cause death. There is a special mechanism called phenoptosis in human cells (the term was proposed by Vladimir Skulachev). He launches a cell suicide program in the case when the cell


itself is unnecessary or harmful to the body. Due to phenoptosis, even today, doctors in 40% of cases are not able to cope with the sepsis-blood poisoning. The body prefers to sacrifice itself in order to prevent the spread of infection. The authors of the book not only accessiblely describe the study of the causes of aging, but also talk about specific results. For example, about the drug with which one of the known age diseases has already been able to defeat - dry eye syndrome. No, the authors are in no hurry to announce the creation of another "elixir of youth". But the discoveries of Skulachev and his colleagues allow us to hope that in the near future, aging will really go into the category of harmful, but not deadly "habits" of our body.

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